Why use a User Acquisition agency when you already have an internal team?

Published on 7 December 2021 | Categorized in

There’s no doubt that the User Acquisition (UA) team you’ve built up over time is some of the best professionals in this field. Without exception, they are all passionate and experienced experts who can deliver even better results day after day. In addition, you have given them access to powerful tools to launch and optimize your mobile acquisition campaigns.

So why, in this situation, do you still need to use an agency that offers performance-based digital marketing solutions?

Because even when you surround yourself with the elite, even with the best tools on the market, and even if the results of the latest acquisition campaigns are apparently satisfactory, there is a good chance that your UA team’s “performance” indicator is not as high as it could or should be.

In this article, we analyze the structural reasons that may make your UA team underperform and explain how a mobile acquisition agency — such as Addict Mobile — can help you to take it to the next level and make your campaigns more profitable.

Content, content, content!

A UA team is judged largely by its ability to establish a seamless and efficient content creation process on a large scale. Overcoming Ad fatigue means constantly generating creative content. This is a time-consuming task and requires a large amount of resources to be mobilized because new concepts need to be produced and tested without any letup.

A UA team that does not have enough manpower to continuously create, test and validate their creative content on a large scale and for long periods can quickly find themselves in a stalemate when it comes to performance.

Under these conditions, getting outside help to speed up the creative process can be particularly apt.

Whereas an internal UA team with a lot of work and a bit of luck can produce a dozen or so successful visuals throughout a whole campaign, at Addict Mobile we offer a completely different vision of UA: we put a team of twelve experienced graphic designers at your disposal, who can produce hundreds of creative ideas and test their concepts on a massive scale before the campaign even begins!

Add to that a completely new technology that we have developed that enables us to create hundreds or even thousands of variations of video content in record time to respond to the significant challenge posed by creative content.

From video to static content, we can edit all the components of a video – title, template, format, language, effects, colors, texts – to produce variations as quickly as possible, and identify the combinations that convert and overcome Ad fatigue.

Addict Mobile breaks down this “creative content” bottleneck by constantly proposing new ideas and concepts that are truly innovative, while your UA team can focus on optimizing or analyzing results.

Expertise and experience

A mobile acquisition campaign involves a multitude of knowledge and skills that are hard to possess or master at any given moment. The risk for an “in-house” UA team is that they dilute themselves by wanting – or believing it possible – to master everything and do everything at once, often with the result that its average level of performance dips.

Addict Mobile offers its customers unique expertise that goes way beyond pure acquisition. The fact that we have launched one or more campaigns with 500 clients means that we have already resolved 500 different UA issues! Thanks to this experience, we are able to react quickly to situations we have encountered in the past.

For each source, we go far beyond the platform recommendations: tracking, acquisition window, behavioral analysis, audience segmentation, ASO, iOS 14 and branding… Since 2015 when we started promoting our own apps, we have developed a global vision of the French and international markets.

Ultimately, our know-how extends to all topics broadly related to User Acquisition; we make our expertise available for your UA team to help it plug any gaps and take full advantage of our expert advice.

Resource flexibility

Any UA team, however talented, must at some point face the challenge of flexibility. What do they do at “peak” periods, when everyone is working flat out and cannot meet demand? On the other hand, a team where half the staff is twiddling their thumbs means that resources are being misused and that profitability will fall in the long run. Using an agency means having the means to quickly make the team bigger when there are bursts of activity while controlling your budget.

That is why the UA teams of big gaming players in the United States regularly entrust Addict Mobile with designing creative content for their mobile acquisition campaigns. With our 12 graphic designers and 30 account managers, we offer these established players a huge production capacity and flexible resource allocation that they do not have internally despite a relatively well-staffed UA team.

By using external resources, a UA team keeps costs in check which makes their acquisition campaigns more profitable. The issue is no longer whether it has sufficient staff or is lacking the right skills, but ensuring that a diverse team of experts, which is tailored to their needs, is always on hand.

Striving for excellence

Other mobile game development studios in the US with a proven track record regularly approach Addict Mobile to help them innovate and think “out of the box” with regard to their mobile acquisition strategy.

When we act as consultants for this type of client, our role is to encourage emulation within their UA team, challenging it with new approaches and innovative concepts.

By injecting its know-how into an ambitious and eager to learn team, Addict Mobile acts as a talent catalyst. When the UA team in question comes face to face with our expertise and uses our resources, its ability to launch and manage profitable campaigns improves and it gets better and better.

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Using a specialist mobile acquisition agency, when you already have a UA team, is the gamble that paid off for many of our customers in France, the United States, and the rest of the world. We speak the same language as your UA experts, graphic designers, and developers; we give them flexibility, speed of execution and the experience of thousands of campaigns managed all over the world. Addict Mobile means excellence and results on demand! Our success depends on that of your UA team, and that is why our mission is to take it to the next level.


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