Why should you consider Q5 in your end-of-year media plan?

As we explained to you last year, you should not miss the time in 2021 when CPMs are the lowest of the year. This “sweet spot” for acquisition begins on December 25 and marks the end of one of the busiest periods of the year that stretches from back-to-school time to Christmas without forgetting Black Friday. The competition is much weaker because advertisers stop their end-of-year campaigns and start preparing for the following year. It runs until mid-January once the budgets for the new year are finalized.
In the last two years, the CPM decreased by almost 50% between December 24 and January 1: -49% in 2019 and -48% in 2020

Moreover, this period is so favorable in terms of display costs that the CPM was even lower during this time in 2021 than it was in March 2020 (-36% difference between 20/03/2020 and 01/01/2021) when, as a result of the beginning of the COVID pandemic, advertisers stopped their campaigns.
These low acquisition costs reduce the costs of qualitative audiences, which are normally very expensive. This lets you maximize the profitability of your campaigns.
This year, once again don’t forget to consider Q5 when planning your expenses. Do not hesitate to contact us for help on this crucial period.
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