Casino Max: Emphasis on the Casino Group Loyalty Program

Publié le 8 juillet 2019 | Catégorisé dans
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When launching its app in early 2018, the famous French retailer Casino turned to Addict Mobile, a 100% performance-oriented marketing platform, to acquire new mobile users. Let’s have a look back at the main stages of this fruitful collaboration.


The Casino Max loyalty program rewards the brand’s customers with personalized promotions. To complete the classic loyalty card, the brand has developed a mobile application offering many advantages to consumers: that is to say to interact directly in stores, help customers to easily find all the information related to their account and benefit from many exclusive and personalized coupons. In order to estimate the loyalty program and the Casino max app on its turnover, the group chose to associate to Addict Mobile, the 100% performance-oriented media buying platform.
store pages Casino Max
store pages Casino Max


In addition to the dematerialization of the customer account, the main challenge for Casino is to measure the use and activation of these coupons, which are only valid in stores. The Casino Max app is therefore part of a “drive-to-store” approach, and in this case “app-to-store”: an approach that fives personalized special offers to generate traffic directly in stores.


The objectives are twofold as the company aims to both:
  • generate new users for its app while encouraging them to use the proposed coupons;
  • Scale the turnover generated in store via the discount coupons offered.


Identify the right levers

+ 32 sources launched in 2018! These include social networks, search levers, as well as Ad-networks. It is essential to combine these different sources with different types of campaigns in order to identify the ones that make it possible to:
  • generate a high volume of registrations within the application;
  • maximize the use of in-store coupons.
Addict Mobile technology allows us to aggregate data from all these sources in real time to track campaigns more effectively and maximize ROI by adjusting investments.
Casino Max
Facebook creative

Produce and A/B test designs continuously

Our creative design production has enabled us to generate more than 1000 designs in order to identify the promotions/products/visuals that are able to generate the best performances. The regular updating of these creations, as well as their adaptation according to business activities, allowed us to maintain the desired performances to use them as instruments for Casino’s objectives.
Casino Max
Spécial opération from 04.25 to 05.05

Adapt campaign strategy to business

By combining Casino’s marketing expertise with Addict Mobile’s know-how, we were able to highlight the best practices to deploy in order to maximize the number of coupons used. We have thus:
  • geolocated campaigns according to our objectives: certain geographical areas are more favourable to the use of certain coupons (hypermarket or supermarket areas);
  • taken into account seasonality: some periods are more favourable to downloading and registering on an application, while others maximize the use of coupons.

Detect Fraud

Addict Mobile technology identified 12% of fraudulent installations among all generated installations*, which the tracking SDK had not been able to identify. By removing these installations from the invoice, we then capitalize on high-potential users and maximize the ROI of these campaigns.  


qualified installs


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