The mobile marketing trends over the 10 next years

Publié le 8 Dezember 2019 | Catégorisé dans
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For nearly 10 years now, we’ve been hearing everywhere « This year is the Year of Mobile ». Actually, this is true. But will it be the same in the future? The mobile urged as an essential tool to everyday life for all users. 2015 depicted a huge turning point on the mobile marketing market. For the first time, in France, the desktop audience decreased between January 2015 and January 2016 (Médiamétrie). Now, the smartphone is on its way to exceed the desktop. But what are the next steps? What will mobile Marketing look like in the next 10 years? Here’s a sum up of the latest trends. Addict Mobile - Strategy - mobile marketing trends
  • The Mobile payment
Eveyone’s been talking about Mobile payment within the last few years. After the Apple Pay announcement, Google answered straight away by launching Android Pay. Samsung also announced, back in February during MWC 2016 in Barcelona, its last LoopPay service. The big banks are also part of this progress: JP Morgan Chase, leader of the American payment cards: he developed the ChasePay tool, in direct partnership with Wal Mart and Best Buy. The race is now on between the digital tech world leaders. More recently, Gemalto and Wordline announced their cooperation to suggest a mobile payment solution adapted to manufacturers. The mobile payment represents a watershed in the mobile evolution, which will completely modify the tomorrow applications organization.  Indeed, the mobile payment will be directly integrated into every applications and users won’t have to use their credit cards anymore.
  • 5G
Operators, institutions, researchers and governments already started working on the future’s network: 5G. It’s only the beginning, but the network already promises exceptional speed.  The promise is to reach 10Gbits flows, and to reduce the loading time of any data to one millisecond. The 5G is one the biggest step to build the future connected world. This new network launch is planned for 2020 to face the increasing needs of telecommunications. Indeed, with the mobile increase as a connection tool to Internet, networks are going to be even more efficient to support this traffic increase. Addict Mobile - Strategy - mobile marketing trends
  • Virtual reality? Even more concrete and mobile
The new versions of the Samsung Gear VR and the HTC Long Live are real turning points on the user mobile experience. These VR headsets let the users visualize the screen in 3D, entering a whole new world and experiencing something fully new. The video games sector still remains the field where the VR displays request is the most important. The announcers try to change this behavior by proposing new features for the users’ everyday life. All the connected objects, including smartwatches and other wearables, are also going to expand in the coming years. Connected to the users’ smartphones, these services will totally change the consumers’ habits. The Machine to Machine connections (app which allow the wireless systems to communicate with other devices) will generate, before 2020, 6.7 % of the general mobile traffic. The manufacturers will impose new consumption modes, using limitless advertising campaigns on these new high tech tools.
  • Increase of native advertising and explosion of the video
For the next five years, native advertising will take a dominating place in the mobile advertising field. Native advertising is defined by putting back the user in the center of the ad: the message is more targeted and better integrated into the media context. In 2018, the native advertising spending will reach 21 billions $ and, according to BiA-Kelsey, Native Ads should represent by 2017 40 % of the income of the social media advertising. The mobile videos display increase from month to month. In two years, the number of mobile videos consumed increased by 532 % according to Ooyala. A 2015 study of the IAB (Interactive Advertising Office) demonstrated that the internet mobile users consume more and more videos on their smartphone. Indeed, this format offers many possibilities. Very creative, the video calls to mind the users and works very well on the social networks. From a technical point of view, the mobile video is also advantageous, because it allows to easily decline on all the screens. It will have to adapt itself to the Mobile Internet by adding immersive features as the geo-localization or the responsive design. The mobile trends continuously evolve. There are more and more users, more available networks, and more technologies which come to influence to the market trends on an everyday basis. It is still difficult to determine what will be the trends for the next 10 years because of the sector evolutionary character. What is sure, it’s going to be „The Year of Mobile“ for still a long long time.


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